S4 HANA Asset Upload Migration Process
Over Period of time SAP evolve from R3 to ECC to S4 HANA . Till ECC Asset Migration process was disintegrated , you were uploading asset(AS91/AS92) separately and GL Posting Separately(FB01) . In s4 Hana SAP come up with Integration of Asset and GL Posting . Now in S4 HANA ,Asset Upload also post financial entry .
Integrated Posting in S4 HANA have some pros and cons .
Pros- Asset posting and FI Posting a always be sync.
Cons:- Any mistake in Asset posting will require reversal of FI posting and asset posing . Earlier in ecc6.0 system any mistake in Asset value can be change through AS92 transaction .However in new system this possibility is not available
Important Notes:
During of S4 HANA asset Migration what I learnt I will share important point to be remember before Uploading legacy data
1. Do not Upload asset data in production system , Upload in QA system check Asset History report (I use AR02) ,Check FI document and make sure posting date is correct.
2. I use external No to upload asset so that while uploading Legacy data any data does not load, I can easily find out , which assets are pending for Upload
3. Deprecation area under one group of ledgers should be posted together .
Here you have two option to load data
1. All deprecation area to be loaded together
2. Or Load (01, 10,11)together and (91,93) together
4. S4 HANA would not allow to post each deprecation area separately .
5. Check in BAPI Accumulated Deprecation should post as Positive or Negative when I use BAPI Positive amount were the right figure but when I use LSMW system expect negative amount to be loaded.
Approach for Legacy transfer S4 HANA :
In S4 HANA System it is not advisable to upload asset data in Production system .first load data in QA system which should be replica of production.
Best approach in S4 Hana system to First Get Copy of Initial Production system which is available after Uploading all relevant master data like GL /Cost center /profit center and Load asset data in Copy of Production system(Simulation/QA system) and Load data in QA/Simulation system.
Reason for uploading is to make sure there is no Error while uploading asset data in PRD system . Purpose of doing is to get not only accuracy but also remember that Reuploading data in older asset will have Problem
BAPI Which use for Uploading BAPI_FIXEDASSET_OVRTAKE_CREATE Will not allow to repost data in Older asset which already have value so in this case you need to post ABLDT Manually or use different BAPI which will become impossible if you have lot of asset.
Example : Asset code A0001 is create and Acquisition value posted 100 instead of 200 using BAPI BAPI_FIXEDASSET_OVERTAKE_CREATE . After realizing there is mistake in asset value. you reverse document using AB08 . Now if you want to use Same BAPI for Load system would throw Error .Hence it is always advisable to load data in QA/Simulation system to make sure you do not have any error .
1.Company code not defined in Asset Accounting Error AA821
When we copy client and try to change legacy transfer date we get issue of “company code not defined” in asset account error which can be resolve using program “FAA_XPRA_FAAT_CMP_LDT
2. 2666889-Error FAA_POST216 during Legacy Data Transfer (AS91/ ABLDT)
3. Company code not defined in Asset Accounting Error AA821